- Press
Clinic Workers Exercise Their Rights, Deliver Petition For Well-Deserved Bonuses

From the most southern point of California to urban and rural communities, clinic workers have been standing up and taking action at their worksites to ensure that their employers register for the $1,000 bonus.
The registration form for clinic bonuses is now available for clinic administrators to register under. Clinic workers are wasting no time and delivering an open letter with over 800 clinic workers’ names from over 90 clinics asking clinic CEOs to do the right thing and register!
The list grows of employers standing with workers!
Innercare clinic workers in Imperial and Riverside Counties marched to their bosses’ offices to deliver the open letter asking them to register for their bonuses. One day later, the Innercare CEO emailed employees that they “made sure we signed up on the very first day of registration so that we can be considered for this program.”
Because clinic workers are taking a stand for their bonuses, employers are registering by large numbers before the opportunity before the door closes on December 20th. San Ysidro Health, St. Jude Neighborhood, and Eisner are just a few California community health clinics positioned to acknowledge the hard work and care provided by clinic workers.

Our line of work helps our most vulnerable patients who have few options when it comes to health care services and these bonuses are a step in the right direction in strengthening our safety net system.
The Clinic Workforce Stabilization Retention Payments (CWSRP) are fought by and for clinic workers as we lobbied lawmakers in Sacramento this past summer. Dozens of clinic workers made the commute to the Capitol Building to share their experiences of how short staffing and poor retention end up hurting patients and the quality of care. Lawmakers heard our united voices and secured over $70 million for tens of thousands of clinic workers!
It’s time that clinic administrators do not leave bonuses on the table! Starting November 15th, federally qualified health clinics can register for their employee’s bonus through the CA Department of Health Care Services webpage. But be aware, the registration window closes on Tuesday, December 20th, and the opportunity for bonuses will be over, with no exceptions.
Clinic CEOs and bosses might tell you that
- “you’re not eligible/this bonus doesn’t apply to us”
- “you’re not allowed to talk about these bonuses at work,” or
- “you can’t sign/deliver anything under SEIU”
but clinic workers shouldn’t be discouraged. Bosses will say ALMOST ANYTHING to stop you from taking action with your coworkers to receive your well-earned bonus.
It’s your right to organize with your co-workers or to have conversations with each other about improving working conditions and wages, no matter if you are represented by a union or not. You can learn more about your worker rights.