- Press
Clinic Workers Win $25/hr Min Wage!
We did it!
Clinic workers have won SB 525 — the statewide healthcare minimum wage — which creates a path to a $25 wage floor across the entire health care sector that will transform our health care system by investing in workers to deliver better health care quality, access and equity.

The first law of its kind in the nation, SB 525 creates a $25/Hour minimum wage for California healthcare workers, including ALL of California’s community clinic workers.
SB 525 will raise the pay of more than 500,000 healthcare workers across the state, including nearly 100,000 clinic workers.
SB 525 will guarantee minimum wage increases for ALL clinic workers starting with:
– $21/hour in 2024
– $22 in 2026
– and $25 by 2027
Wondering how this new law will affect you? Check out our SB 525 Wage Calculator.

Community clinic workers in SEIU Community Clinic Workers United made this happen. SB 525 shows what everyday clinic workers can do when they come together in strong unions.
Together, we are helping frontline clinic workers improve the quality of health care for California.
Want to get involved in the fight for a clinic worker’s union? Complete the contact form below.